Каним ви на второто от серията обучения в метода “Интегрално фасилитиране”. То ще бъде фокусирано върху три горещи теми в работата с групи: конфликти, емоции, власт и привилегии.

Водещ: Давид Бийота
14-18 юни 2023
Горски център Чатъма

Това обучение е насочено към хора с опит в работата с групи и работата с хора, воденето на процеси, организационна работа, като фасилитатори, лидери на групи, коучове, психолози, учители, социални и младежки работници и др, както и към всеки, участвал в обучение с Давид Бийота, водещият на обучението.

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Водещият на тренинга – Давид споделя за собствения си път към фасилитирането:

Human beings doing things together, it’s the best description I was able to offer when someone ask me what kind of groups and teams I’ve worked with.

I grew up in a house where the two adults who were taking care of me didn’t talk each other for 15 years. Facilitating was the way to go thought the pain and lack of understanding.

13 years ago I started collaborating with activists and community workers, amazing people trying to change the world but…

fighting each other in a very painful way. Here I started to look for a deeper understanding of what was happening at the core of the group.

In the meantime I initiated to work with international researchers, hospitals, teachers, coops and small companies and studied very different approaches of how to facilitate, from Non Violent communication  to Process work, systemic perspective or Dragon Dreaming.

I found out that group reality is formed by many different layers, and that the relation itself among people and key components of the reality group (money, purpose, power, society…)  were a whole entity that need to be considered and make aware of.

Since then, I have been working and teaching in more than 8 countries from all kind of organizations, from big tech companies to environmental orgs and grassroots groups in Africa.

I’ve been teaching in different universities how to address conflicts, power issues and enhance collective wisdom as an opportunity to create a different quality of awareness within groups and organizations.